Thursday, January 22, 2009


The Spiritual Chicks’ philosophy is very straightforward:

Question Everything
Condemn Nothing
Align Yourself With What You Want.

These three steps have helped me navigate through life and create what I want. But this simple process doesn’t always come naturally…unless you happen to be a six year old.

The barrage of non-condemning questions I have been asked lately by my kindergarten-age daughter is staggering.

“Why did Uncle Cheun die?”
“Why did they bury him in a box if his body is going to fade away anyway?
“Why are you working on making dirty water clean (my new volunteer project)? Do WE drink this water?”
“Why did we buy that candy corn if you never let me eat it?”
And my personal favorite, “Why does poop smell?”

Her questions encourage me to think about things that I typically do or believe out of habit. What’s even greater is that when I respond, it’s not always about me giving an answer that will then become her habit of belief, but about the two of us exploring how we can align ourselves with ideas that really work for us.


1 comment:

artistdeb said...

I have found as well that there is much wisdom in wonder. We are to question everything, to know all that is.