Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Dear Readers & Friends,

It's been so long since we've communicated with you...hope all your lives are happy and prosperous!

We're pleased to announce that The Spiritual Chicks Question Everything:  Learn to Risk, Release and Soar, is now an e-book!  Get an ebook for Kindle or Nook or from iBook for yourself or a friend today!

In other news, Tami Coyne has launched her newly redesigned website and blog.  When you have a minute, check out her most recent blog article,  Goddess Rising:  Why I Choose to Write About the Goddess.

Many of you might not know that Tami is an ordained Interfaith Minister, Spiritual Coach-Counselor and certified Spiritual Response Therapy consultant.  

She works with clients to help them:
·   increase happiness and joy in everyday life;
·   manifest opportunities, new careers, relationships, wealth and experiences; 
·   understand their life's purpose.

Check out Tami's site at and subscribe to her blog at so that you'll always know what is up with her.
You can also keep in touch on Facebook and Twitter @tamicoyne.  

Feel free to contact Tami directly at if you have any questions or interest in her work.  Mention this email and get two SRT/coaching sessions for the price of one until 2/28/13.


The Spiritual Chicks