Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Spiritual Chicks on Powerfull Living Radio

Well, we set up our blog, but as you can see, we have not been very regular about posting. That’s mostly been my fault. I haven’t been writing things down much these days—my life has been more about speaking and listening. …And on that topic, Tami and I did a radio interview recently. We chatted with Lorraine Cohen on her show, Powerfull (yup, that’s right, double “L” as in full) Living Radio. Some of you may have heard us live, and for those of you who missed it, here’s the link to the show:

We had wonderful time talking with Lorraine (and her friend Anita toward the end of the show) about Spirituality and Questioning. You know us Spiritual Chicks, always Questioning Everything—hey, I think there’s a good book with that title!

Thanks again to our growing reader base—our book has a marvelous life of its own, even if we don’t get around to blogging as much as we’d like!
