Monday, October 15, 2007

What’s Love Got to Do with It?

Turns out, love has everything to do with everything. Not the sentimental, sappy version promoted by Hallmark or its cousin sexual passion, however. Those versions of love—no matter how enjoyable or painful—are usually nothing more than emotional responses to circumstance, knee-jerk reactions often triggered by libido, fear, or our desire for power and control. This love is conditional, can be retracted at will, and has been used to justify everything from war to child abuse.

What we’re talking about is LOVE as the raw energy of the universe that creates, destroys, nurtures, and drives life itself. In our book, The Spiritual Chicks Question Everything, we call this raw energy the One Life Principle—the single underlying power in the universe that expresses itself in many different forms, including, but not limited to: “baseball players, puppies, exotic dancers, Supreme Court justices, rocks, trees, even criminals.”

We’re not the only people who talk this way about LOVE. Many spiritual teachers and philosophies either wax poetic about or pay lip service to this mind bending approach to reality but somehow miss the biggest implication of all—that if there is only One Life, then everything is a reflection of not only LOVE, but of ourselves as expressions of LOVE. You are an expression of me and I am an expression of you. There is no separation. From LOVE’s point of view, we’re all One.

This big idea is more than just an intellectual exercise as Joe Vitale’s new book, Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace and More (John Wiley & Sons, 2007) makes abundantly clear. This amazing book tells Joe’s story of meeting Dr. Hew Len, a psychologist who used the Hawaiian technique of Ho’oponopono to cure an entire ward of mentally-ill criminals without ever treating them professionally. I won’t ruin the story by revealing the exact method here, go and get the book and you’ll find out all you need to know. What I will say is that the technique used by Dr. Len to harness the power of LOVE to heal the criminally insane, is incredibly simple and just might be the answer to healing the planet, or at the very least our own hearts and souls. (Don't forget, according to the One Life Principle, that's all there is anyway.) How do I know? I use it everyday and it works.


Monday, October 1, 2007

Is Pamela Anderson Ready to Marry Again?

Every day when I’m online (yes, I’m obviously still on AOL) I’m bombarded with headlines such as the very fascinating one above. Personally, I don’t have anything against Pamela Anderson, Paris Hilton, Nicole Ritchie, Lindsay Lohan or Britney Spears. I think they’re all doing the best they can to live their lives with the knowledge they have about how the universe works. (True confession: This morning, as if in some hypnotic trance, I clicked on the You Tube video of David Letterman grilling Paris about her jail stay. Luckily, my phone rang right before the clip loaded and I was snapped out of my stupor.) My problem as a Spiritual Chick is that I’d prefer to be bombarded with more meaningful information, maybe even something uplifting every now and then. Here are some headlines I’d like to see:

• President Bush Brings Troops Home and Vows to Wipe Out War in His Lifetime
• The Pope Wants Everyone to Enjoy Sex!
• Israeli and Palestinian Governments to Lay Down Weapons and Find Out Why They Hate Each Other
• Big Pharma To Subsidize Single Payer Health Plan
• Hillary Clinton Announces It’s Okay to Stay Home and Bake Cookies
• Guantamo Closes
• Liquid Ban on Airplanes Lifted
• Curriculum on Love Instituted in Schools Nationwide
• The Spiritual Chicks Question Everything Rises to Number One on Amazon!
I know it’s radical, but a girl can dream, can’t she?
